A Self-Care List for Everyday

The first thing that comes to mind when I think ‘self-care’ is a face mask to be honest. A good step to making yourself feel pampered and I’m sure we’ll agree that a face mask does make us feel fabulous but it’s not the fundamental element of daily self-care. We live in a society where we are reminded about self-care – like drink enough water, get a good nights sleep etc. But let’s cut to the real elements of self-care, it is simply the role in protecting your own well-being, increasing your energy and an attempt to reduce your stress.

Reading – There’s something quite magical at being attached to a book and sometimes that is just what you need. When I find one that I like, I’m often unable to put it down – I’ve written about my recent read here. Reading is a light distraction, whether that’s to have a quick break from the world at lunchtime or to switch off your brain at night. Summer is my optimum time for reading, I won’t be basking in the glorious sunshine unless I’ve got a book in hand.

Music – There’s something about getting ready for the day whilst listening to a good playlist isn’t there? Singing in the shower comes to mind. Music is key in boosting my mood and as it’s been *turbulent* lately, I’ve made sure that there is a playlist for every occasion. You can check out my Spotify playlists here. If you’ve got Spotify, it’s also worth checking out the ‘Discover Weekly’ playlists, they tend to get my music spot on.

Organisation – Y’know that refreshed feeling after a spring clean? That’s what I’m talking about here. Not telling you to keep your room super tidy don’t worry, although if you’re anything like me, ‘tidy space, tidy mind’ rings true and contributes to my well-being. But having a bit of a declutter might do some good and contribute to de-stressing – I’m guilty to not having a declutter of my beauty products often enough; if you’ve had an open mascara for longer than a year, its time for the bin.

Food – Sometimes it’s nice to spend a bit more time cooking than usual to make a special dish, to do some baking or batch-cooking to make your life that bit simpler. I do really like cooking and baking when I set the time aside for it and it’s good to taste the products of your labour! One of my favourite recipes is a Nut Roast (which you can find here) – it’s simple, quick and delicious.

Skincare – I’m treading on the ‘pampering’ toes here, but a regular skincare routine can be so important. It acts as a ‘wake-up’ in the morning, which can help start your day right and a ‘wind-down’ in the evening, which can help you switch off at night. Either way, nurturing your skin will have the long term benefits too.

6 thoughts on “A Self-Care List for Everyday

  1. Great list – I’ve been getting into some good books these days (are you familiar with Anne of Green Gables? Currently obsessed!) and I think you’re right with cooking – sometimes it can be quite therapeutic to do a good long dish, and I think it can feel like quite an accomplishment! This is definitely the time to focus on self-care!



  2. Love these ideas, I often get into a routine with my self-care and forget to branch out and try other things on the days I dedicate to self-care. Organisation is something I’d love to start adapting into these days. It gives you such a nice feeling when you declutter and organise makeup.

    Ps. thanks for reminding me to check dates on my makeup products. I’m so bad for this! 😉


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