The Self-Care Ideas You Need For A 2020 Christmas

As I write this, it’s Sunday 20th December. The day after the swift change in UK restrictions and I’m sure all of us are feeling pretty meh. Luckily, I had a quiet Christmas planned so not much has changed but I’m sending love to everyone who has been impacted. Now, this is when we’re needing some self-care ideas to make the best of unfortunately a pretty poor situation.

Photo by Oleg Zaicev on


Let’s put the thoughts of previous Christmas’s to the back of our minds and think about what we can do this year to make it special. We’re not talking extravagant ideas here, but if you’ve been talking about watching Elf for years, 2020 is definitely giving you the option of an afternoon with Christmas films.


If you’re unable to see family and friends this Christmas, video calls are the next best thing – technology that has genuinely helped me get through this year. Plan video calls to watch some Christmas TV together, video calls for prepping the starters, video calls for a Christmas quiz. It’s not the same, but it might ease the difficulty of not being able to see loved ones face-to-face this year.


If there is ever a day to wear pyjama’s, it’s Christmas Day. But this year, it might be an instant mood booster to take some time to get ready, have a nice outfit to wear and feel fancy when you crack open the Bucks Fizz. To be fair, we’ve spent a lot of 2020 in loungewear.


I think we’re all ready to shut the door on 2020 right? I’m not saying 2021 is going to be any better (unfortunately), but it might feel good to ‘prep’ for the new year. To have the ‘fresh start’ feeling. It can be something small like clearing out your email subscriptions or going for the ‘clear out’ approach by creating a capsule wardrobe and doing a ‘spring clean’. Reflecting on 2020 and looking ahead to 2021 may also clear your mind.


Now we’re talking a bit of time to shut off from any negative thoughts to hopefully improve our sleep. After the year we’ve had, no matter how hard we’ve tried, our minds probably haven’t had the chance to fully switch off from the stress around us. Make some more time for a skincare routine, read some chapters of your book before bed or try to listen to a calming music playlist.


I think throughout the year we’ve all tried to consume the media less. But over Christmas, it’s time to turn off the news notifications, the social media notifications and aim for some down time, to block out what is happening in the world for some time.

I hope you all are able to have the best Christmas we can have amongst 2020. It’s been a tough year and we all need some time out to recuperate.


10 thoughts on “The Self-Care Ideas You Need For A 2020 Christmas

  1. It helps to do something fun everyday, even if it’s small. Yesterday I ran some errands (not that exciting) but I left the house for a few hours which was good for mental health. Today I will be making trifle because the family wants it, and they haven’t had trifle before. I haven’t had trifle since my grandmother passed away, as that was the dessert she always made for Christmas.

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  2. I’m from the US but we are still keeping it low key because even though they aren’t talking about the mutation of the virus here (it probably is here) so we aren’t seeing family like we would as a precaution and it’s sad. but my bf and i are going to make the best out of it and find ways to make it fun. hopefully next year will be better.

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