The Best Addition to a Roast Dinner

So one week into self-isolation and I’ve seen all the baking on instagram. I’m yet to jump on the bandwagon, but Sunday did equal a pretty incredible roast dinner. My first roast dinners without meat just included all the trimmings, but I’ve started to make my own dish to add to the table. You can check out the ultimate veggie pie recipe here, but lately, it’s been a nut roast. You’re probably thinking that it takes quite a bit of time to make, but it’s about an hour in total to prep, bake and set on the table with a pretty simple recipe – it’s all about the layers. Here’s how you can make your own….

The ingredients that you will need: 200g nuts (whatever takes your fancy – I combined walnuts, almonds, pistachios and pecans), 100g Breadcrumbs, 2 Leeks, 3 Big Tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic, 500ml of Veg Stock (& optional cheese for Veggie) along with a large dish to bake in.

Heat the oven to 180°C and weigh out 200g of nuts. Pop them onto a baking tray and roast in the oven for 5 mins. Whilst they’re roasting, start by chopping the leek and garlic. Take them out the oven once the 5 mins is up, leave to cool and begin frying the leek and garlic in a small pan at a high heat to begin with, before turning to a low heat for 5 mins. Set the leeks and garlic aside and begin to crush the nuts with a pestle and mortar (if you’re fancy) until they are really small.

Time to start layering – use half of the nut mixture for the base layer in the dish. Then weigh 100g of bread, blitz it in a food processor and use half the breadcrumbs to the base layer. Create the second layer with the leeks, before chopping the tomatoes into slices and using them for the third layer. Next, you need to pour in the veg stock to the dish. Add mixed herbs and some garlic powder to the layer before adding the remaining breadcrumbs and then the remaining nut mixture for the final layer.

Optional cheese for veggie – sprinkle on the top for it crisp whilst it is baking.

It’s 30 minutes in the oven to bake before you’re good to go.

2 thoughts on “The Best Addition to a Roast Dinner

  1. […] I ENJOY COOKING SO MUCH MORE – Preparing a vegetarian dish for myself, or cooking for others is probably one of my favourite parts of being a vegetarian. I’ve made some experimental mistakes, but some pretty good wins too! You can find my recipe for the best vegetarian (and vegan when no cheese is added) here. […]


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